'Return of the Bloodthirsty Police' Chapter 34 English, Gyungsoo Meets Honjun's Son

Gyungsoo finally met Honjun's son and he was stunned.Check out the link to read 'Return of the Bloodthirsty Police' chapter 34 in English.

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Before accessing the link to read 'Return of the Bloodthirsty Police' or 'Reborn Killer' chapter 34 English in the middle of the article, you can see Gyungsoo reveal Yoohwa's goal in the last chapter.

In the manhwa 'Return of the Bloodthirsty Police' or 'Reborn Killer' chapter 33, Gyungsoo recounts the goal of Yoohwa when he was still in Hwaguksa.

Yoohwa stated that his goal was to become a god because he wanted to utilize the fear of humans.

Humans are driven by fear but the most unavoidable fear is the fear of death.

When fear is unavoidable, they will need a place to lean on even if it is false and that is religion.

The Moons are created from a pool of people who have been through near-death situations and Yoohwa gives them hope so they are very loyal.

Honju felt that Yoohwa's goal was absurd, but in fact it succeeded in making Hwaguksa have followers.

In addition, the Moon member named October also became the leader of a church sect called The Truth Church.

The October member is called Maple Leaf. Gyungsoo had killed her before but now appeared again.

Honestly, Gyungsoo is also confused about the identity of Maple Leaf because every time they meet they always have a different voice and appearance.

In addition, the death of Hojun's wife seems to be related to The Truth Church.

This is the link to read 'Return of the Bloodthirsty Police' or 'Reborn Killer' chapter 34 in English which you can find in the middle of the article.

When Honjun brought Gyungsoo to live with him, he asked Gyunsoo not to act disrespectful to him in front of his son later.

Gyungsoo complied and when he met Honjun's son, Gyungsoo was stunned whether it was because he wanted to protect him or remind him of the past.
