Owen Knight Wind Breaker
Owen Knight is the creator and member of Light Cavalry cyclist platoon. He joined Sunny High to stay closer with his nonage friend Shelly and forfend off her passions for Jay.
Owen Knight is said to be close to the crews( Maka & La Crew and MSH Crew) who spread road riding culture In New York. He was said to have followed them around and came musketeers with their members and cycled together. also, in his beginner time of high academy, he went back to England and formed a world- notorious crew with his athlete musketeers called Light Cavalry.
Owen is a good looking rich joe with golden hair and striking blue eyes. Its height is about 190 centimeters. When he first made an appearance at Sunny High School hoping to surprise Shelly, not indeed the mask and chapeau he wore could cover up the fact he was handsome. He's altitudinous and fit and he strides the academy hallways as if they were his particular cat walk. Whenever he is with Shelly, he's further suggestive and freely gives her grins but when not in her presence, Owen generally wears a knowing boo or gapes you down with a cold light.
He's also veritably swish. Being a youthful and successful professional cyclist, we assume he either makes a lot of plutocrat to spend on luxury brands, or they finance him with free wares.